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Uncivil Tongue In Nepal

१८३२ पटक

Uncivil Tongue

The word uncivil tongue is made up two words uncivil and tongue, where  uncivil means “lacking of civility or good manners” and tongue means “a manner of speaking”. Literally, uncivil tongue means “to speak in the vulgur or ill mannered way”. Generally, uncivil tongue is socially incorrect in behaviours. In other words it is an act of speaking or talking very rough or impolite way to others. It is shameful or terrible quality of debate.

The status of uncivil tongue in Nepal

We Nepalease men and women are very familiar with uncivil tongue. We can hear everywhere arround us.  In the context of male dominating country, women are badly affected by uncivil tongue. Women have faced these sort of unmannered behaviours in school compound, college compound, market, office even in home. And now-a-days in the social media which is really shows that how uncivilised they are.  I am not talking about all people but some people use vulgur and rough words while speaking. They feel themselves they are the he-men. However they are revealing there nonentity. When those kind of people talk or speak something like that and other people feel embarrassment however those uncivilised people behave unashamed. They think themselves as a main leader of the country and their rubbish talk is law and order of the country. They never care for their coming generation. Some of them are waste their time unnecessarily or some of them want plenty of money to live luxurius life. But they do not care about good future of their family. They educate their children to get the job or how to collect the money but they do not aware them to live good life and contribute in the society. Instead of get awareness and better life in future they want to secure money only. They send their children in schools and colleges for study but they never want to change their unmannered behaviours. In this situation, their children also become like them . In case their children get good conduct and discipline in school or college, the children want to make peaceful and better surroundings. But their guardian’s drag them in the same ignorant, rustic and immodest behaviours. And this process is going continuously in every generation. As a result we can obviate from poverty but we can not overcome from poor mentation.

The affected people and victim from uncivil tongue

Even though, the different place, environment, cast, language and community of Nepal is different, the use of vulgur words are found everywhere. Espesially, those who have been discriminated against due to unrestrained behaviour, deprived of services, poor, helpless, destute, women, dalit, the people who have disability and sexual and gender minorities are more vulnerable. In spite of declaration the the centuries-old evil practice and discrimination in the society has now ended leegally, it has not ended in practice yet. As a result, the backward classes and oppressed classes seem to be hit harder. They are mentallly and psychologically traumatized.

The uncivil tongue shows that the person is an uneducated, unruly, impolite and indecent. Therefore, it is very necessary to control it. The following steps need to be taken to minimize uncivil tongue.

  • Everyone must follow the law and order. The law in this regard should be implemented effectively.
  • One should respect the other without discriminating against anyone.
  • Awareness programs and campaigns should be conducted among the people.
  • The policy of zero tolerance on uncivil tongue should be followed.
  • All forms of discrimination must end not only legally but also practically.
  • It is important to give moral education to the children along with giving them knowledge of subjects.
  • Guardians should be informed time to time from their children school and college that such rude or vulgur words can have a negative impact on children.

Uncivil tongue is like a corruption. In fact, uncivil tongue and corruption are different subjects and aspects but they have similarities in the process of spreading and controlling them. Just as you can not get rid of greed after getting into the habit of the corruption, so you can not get rid of greed after getting into the habit of uncivilised tongue. Just as corruption can not be eradicated immediately similarly, it does not seem possible to end uncivilized tongue. Although, both can not be eradicated immediately however they can be controlled.

The use of uncivil tongue will not be reduced unless there is a positive change in human behaviour. This would lead to not only literate individuals but also educated individuals. Therefore, we need to establish freedom, equality with equity and faternity among the people surrounding us. With more than 116 countries recognizing Nepal as a country of peace, an envoy of peace like Gautam Buddha was born in this country. This is in a country with the highest peak of the world like Mt. Everest, it is not appropriate to look down on oneself by using the vulgar words. At last, we Nepalease born to spread love, to build respect and to generate peace.

प्रतिकृया दिनुहोस्